High Notes for the oboe – New Method Book

I have worked with a lot of high school oboists who wanted to challenge themselves with more advanced repertoire but they all struggled with one major issue. All of my students struggled with their high note fingerings, in particular high D#, E and F. Most of them had never played high E or F while some of them would only know the short fingerings. If students want to go to the next level, they have to be able to play up to a high F and know all of the correct fingerings. This type of information is usually not taught in band class so it is important for the lesson teacher to cover this material.

Chromatic Versus Diatonic

One of the main lessons in this book is to learn the difference between chromatic and diatonic E & F fingerings. It is important that students understand when it is appropriate to use the left side E & F fingerings versus the right side. The lesson teacher should be able to demonstrate which fingerings are appropriate in each situation and explain why.

Purpose of this Book

I created this book as a way to help young students become more comfortable with their high note fingerings. The book starts off with fingering charts for high D#, E, and F. It then goes into 14 short exercises featuring those three high notes. After the exercises, there are five duets featuring the high notes (D#,E,F)

High Note Exercises – Oboe Method Book (Digital Download)